In Vino Veritas

True believers, after my last blog, I came to a realization. You folks like to hear my stories, and if booze is involved, it kicks it up a notch.
I got donations totaling $150 from the "Irish Carbomb" blog, and that made me very happy. (But I am a long way from my goal, so keep 'em coming.)
Click Here to Donate to Eric's Fundraising Efforts
And I am the kind of guy that likes to share a good time. So, I have a way for you all to experience my next misadventure (without all the sweating and getting lost stuff), tip a few back and all the while helping out for a great cause.
My big plan: Wine tasting. All-day wine tasting. And it's for charity. Incredible, non?
And when will we be kicking off this wine lover's paradise? SATURDAY, APRIL 28th.
First off, my hat is off to the generous folks at Prospero Winery in Pleasantville, NY (, who are really opening up their place to this event. Without even asking, Michelle volunteered the winery's tasting room to the event for the entire day (11am to 6pm), and a tour may be thrown in the mix, as well. Folks will be able to sample the winery's fare right from the barrels and vats.
And I am hoping to have a commemorative label for the event (a "Chateau de Ed"?) ready by the day of the event.
While sipping on Prospero's best, there will be h'ors deuvres and other food.
There will also be raffle prizes being given away throughout the day from local merchants in the area.
Prices have yet to be nailed down, but it will likely be at around the $30 pricepoint, a bargain from every angle.
As I get more details squared away, I will get it out to you.
It's going to be a blast. See you there on the 28th!
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