Back in the Saddle for 2007

I am gearing up for another 100 mile ride, but this year, the reason for doing so hits much closer to home for me.
It was just a month after finishing my first century (that’s a 100-mile bicycle ride) in June, my uncle Ed was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of leukemia. And within a matter of months, he was gone. A father of six, uncle, husband, Navy veteran, and all-around lion of a man was just swept away.
After completing the June ride, I wasn’t so sure I would sign up again. The fund raising and the training took a great deal of time and effort. Every weekend for five months straight was spent either preparing for, riding in or recovering from a bicycle ride.
But all that has changed. My resolve has been crystallized by grief.
So, I am back in the saddle again on the “Orange Lightning” for another 100 miles in June 2007, and I am asking for even more of you this time around.
I will have to see if my sense of humor rebounds in time. Ed's passing hit us all pretty hard. I am getting choked up just tapping this out right now.
It’s a great cause and Seventy-five percent of what we raise together will go to help stop leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma and myeloma from taking more lives.
Please make a generous donation (suggested donation is $100) to support my participation in Team In Training and help to find a cure.
For those that prefer to write a check, make it out to "The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society" and mail it to me at:
245 5th Street, Unit 1,
Jersey City, NJ 07302
I hope you'll visit my blog and my fund raising page often ( Check back frequently to see my progress or read my blog. Please note that the fund raising progress bar hasn't been reset yet.
Thanks for riding with me once again. And for any of you joining me for the first time, I greatly appreciate your generosity.
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